3 benefits of group coaching

Life coaching is a wonderful resource for people working on individual goals and becoming who they truly want to be.

But what if you have a group of friends or colleagues who also want to work on goals, but together? Group coaching is an excellent option for like-minded people who are going after the same goal. Here are some ways group coaching can make a different for you.

Shared Accountability

Sharing the accountability across a group of people is a super crucial way to make sure tasks get done. It’s not because people can play the blame game if something goes “wrong” or doesn’t get done on time — but think of it like a pooled resource. Instead of just keeping yourself on track and on task, a group of people are helping each other reach both their shared goals and their individual milestones. This happens simply by being open and honest about what you want to achieve and figuring out how you’re going to get there.

Motivation Chain

This is what I call a chain reaction of motivation. As you begin to build your confidence and collect some small wins as a group, this will create a natural wave of motivation that will carry you forward as you achieve your goals. A motivation chain is an incredibly powerful thing to create on your own, so you can imagine how strong it is to share this across multiple people. Especially if your group is a team working toward a common goal (i.e. a writers’ room working on a sketch show, an improv team who wants to take things to the next level, etc), this concept can help bond you together and propel you more forward.


Similar to the motivation chain, group coaching is also an amazing way to find your community. Sometimes, pre-existing groups seek out coaching to help them focus on achieving specific goals. Other times, people want to use group coaching but don’t currently have a group they belong to. As a coach, I can help people find other folks in a similar situation to them to help ground themselves in a sense of community. The notion that you are not alone in dealing with your challenges is an extremely beneficial concept. This creates a wonderful sense of belonging that every human needs.