Sami Main: author, writer, curious cat.

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I rode a bike for the first time!

When I was about 5 years old, I fell off my bike while learning to ride it and skinned my knee. Being a highly logical person at all times, I decided right then and there that there was no way I’d get back on something that hurt me. So I didn’t.

Until a few weeks ago, when I finally took the plunge and decided to learn.

About a year ago, my boyfriend’s mom found out that I didn’t know how to ride a bike, and essentially made it her mission to convince me to learn. Now, I’m not always someone who responds well to demands, even gentle ones, so it took quite a bit of coaxing to get me to do it.

For me, I don’t think riding a bike is something I’ve been missing in my life. I don’t feel any kind of FOMO when I hear that friends commute on their bikes, or use them to get from Point A to Point B. As a Brooklyn resident, I see just how dangerous riding a bike around NYC can be, so I haven’t been very interested or motivated in learning.

But after a while, I realized that I didn’t have a great reason not to learn something. It’d be a different story if I did know how to ride a bike, but chose not to because I didn’t like it. But refusing to even try? That’s not someone I wanted to be.

We were able to find a local bike instructor, so it would be slightly less embarrassing for me, as opposed to being taught by my boyfriend or his mom.

It was positively terrifying at times, and thrilling others. I was full of endorphins and joy and pride and fear 100% of my time on the bike.

I faced a fear and a huge mental block all at the same time, and I’m so glad I did. I’m not an expert, and I’m not sure if I’ll get back on one any time soon, but I was so excited to have done something scary but so worthwhile.

What are some fears you’ve been able to challenge?